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The Angels Share Journal



Issue 5: English Whisky

Part 4: White Peak Distillery

The Wire Workers

The Angels’ Share is an independent journal that explores the art, science and culture of whisky. It unearths the passion, places and craft of whisky making, celebrating the time, the care and, above all, the people involved.

Each issue is produced by just one writer, one art director and one photographer, with content gathered in one road trip.

We welcomed David Burton from Scratchcreate to White Peak back in July last year.


” Max Vaughan looks more like one of the Beastie Boys than he does a finance guy who was forging a successful career in the City. Which is possibly partly why he decided to stop being a finance guy forging a successful career in the City. He doesn’t look much like you’d imagine a whisky distillery owner to look either. Which is possibly why White Peak doesn’t look like your typical whisky distillery.”

The Angels Share Issue 5 part 4